Saturday, February 18, 2006

quick update

Hello to the person who accidentally wandered over here. It's currently about two or three in the AM. I can't sleep. My eyes are not working too well. Please forgive misspellings and weird ramblings. This will probably be more stream-of consiosness. I'm hanging out at the gracious Wagner's house this evening. My husband is off at the coast, freezing at a youth rally. I am pretty excited to be out of the house. I have been sick this last week and haven't really left the house much. Shaun's been great. I got a box of gifts every day for three days leading up to that crazy February day that people get all crazy about. It was so great - organizers for the bathroom, a brita pitcher, plants/flower/bulbs, pots, etc. Oh, and a Sudoku book! It was so great. And now that I read that, I realize that I am such an old lady. HA! Oh well.
What else? OH - my car pooped out the other day. I am not sure what's wrong with it, but I'm B.R.O.K.E!!! So I've been supressing the stress, only barely, though. I have worked SO hard not to worry about money and things and stuff. So everytime I started to think about it I would pray that something would come up. Sometimes I was able to move on to something else and not worry, but other times I would just kind of repeat the same little prayer over and over and over and over and over...
This evening I was talking to Troy and Shauna and Troy was like "hey, i think we can get you a car for free" HA!!!!!!!!!!!!! He said it's probably not good for a real long time, but it will be GREAT until I'm working more and Shaun is able to graduate and get work! WOOOOOHOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! Praise Jehovah! It's been such a wonderful lesson for me, as I'm a worry-wart.
It's been deliciously cold outside lately! I love it!
I guess i should try to sleep.


tabitha jane said...

hope you're feeling better!

Jebodiah Bristow-Hanna said...

Hey Jess,
It was awesome to see you and Shaun out at Delano! What a reunion. So people have been telling me that Central is going to close their doors and would not believe it because my good friends Shaun and Jessica go there and didnt say a thing about it. You big secret keepers! So that stinks...what happens next? what are the plans? Are you guys doing ok with this or what. Let me know how things are. thanks! love you guys.
(here's how i spell ciao)