Tuesday, May 29, 2007


Sorry for the delay. Unfortunately, I must delay even longer. Dear Beesley chewed (I think the past tense of chew should be chaw) through our computer charger and it finally poopered out. So no more computer until the new charger comes in. I can get a few minutes in here at work, but it is not the right environment for "real" blogging.
So there you have it. When I do get back I'll be blogging about things like:
only children
bar-be-ques/ cooking
hands and feet

So you have all the good stuff to look forward to! See you soon!

Tuesday, May 22, 2007


So the news is out. Remember a few posts ago when I had news and I was trying so so so very hard not to gossip? Well, I am proud to say that the ONLY person who found out from me was my husband (it had less than nothing to do with him or anyone he even knows). I kept it in and now I don't have to keep anything in because the news is out. Phew!

Onto other news: oh yeah, I don't have any new news. I did have a bloggy thought this morning (and yep, that's the technical adjective for something you'd like to blog about). However, my lunch break is only another 7 minutes and I need to go potty and make a phone call. So later on (today, hopefully) I'll hop back on ye ol' internet and get all bloggy on your butt. For now...

You and I? We're done.


and big kudos to whoever recognizes that exchange.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Rachael Freakin' Ray

I got home today and there was a box on the front porch. It was from Everyday w/Rachael Ray. I have never ordered or signed up to get anything from RR aside from a free trial of her mag. or zine. or to us normal people, magazine. Anyhow, there was "free gift" to me from RR ... with a tote bag, OxyClean spray cleaner thingy, free coupons and recipe cards, 20% off an order @ her store, some toasted Wheat Thins, body wash, ...... and a few other things.


Saturday, May 12, 2007


Yes, I have babies on the brain. Not that I want one - or any right now, really. But I can no longer ignore the baby crazy. I just counted, and I know at least 22 people who are either prego or have just recently given birth. Wow. Am I just totally missing something here? I am reminded of a telephone conversation I had with my mother my Sophomore year of college. I was so frustrated with the world because my whole group of friends had turned into wedding zombies. I suppose that's not entirely accurate. It wasn't all about weddings at that point... it was all about the significant other. Boyfriends and girlfriends became the primary recipient of all attention. It sucked. I remember relaying this to my mom one particular weekend night when I had been once again ditched in favor of searching for "the one" and was just fed up. I was, of course, expecting some comforting words - perhaps an invitation to drive home and hang out/do something cool that weekend. (looking back, i'm not sure WHY i expected any of that...). Instead I got the "hey, that's life. You're at the age when most people are finding that person, etc. etc. Hey, when I was your age I had a 3 yr old daughter"
Of course all I heard was "what kind of freak isn't out trying to get some on a Friday night." Now, I know that's not what she said - OR what she meant and after I had some time to calm down I was able to realize that it was actually a bit of a blessing, because while everyone else was away I had some great undistracted time to actually get some school work done. And then once I fully resigned to the fact that I was going to be an old spinster (actually, I think i was planning on opening a CoC nunnery at the time), I met Shaun that same year, and... well - here we are.

So here I am four years later and NOW all the people around me are obsessed not with the latest club or attracting the opposite sex, but cribs and baby clothes and finding out the sex of the microscopic parasite that lives within.
Now, I've gotten way past bitter... I'm just baffled. I know I know I will never understand until I have my own. I get that. When you have a life inside of you, growing and forming and completely dependent upon you -it's terrifying and exciting and wonderful, et al. What I don't get is the drive. Perhaps my biological clock runs on solar power or something else that you don't find in Oregon. I see a lot of people who try and try and try (and in some cases succeed, succeed, succeed) to make babies because it makes them feel needed. Or because they like babies. Come on! Really? How screwy of a society can we create?
I am realizing that this blog sounds VERY bitter and angry.... that's not my intent. I'm curious. I love kids as much as the next guy - girl, whatever. I love to feel needed and wanted and all that jazz. But... is it fair to bring a new life into this already-pretty-populated world for my own selfish reasons? What do I have to give to this kid? Am I at a point where I can - and WANT to - do this? Yeah, you can argue that noone is ever ready, but... *sigh* I just don't get it.

You are making your own choices and I am OK with that. You be the best parent you can be. That's all anyone can ever ask. I don't hate parents. I don't hate kids. I suppose my biggest "beef" is this: just because you're a parent doesn't mean you are better than me. Just because I haven't popped out a kid doesn't mean I don't know anything. It doesn't mean we no longer have anything in common.

Don't write me off because you have squirted a little animal out of your body. Please.

Maybe I'll get myself one of these:

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

It's My Life

No more gossip, right? Why is it that NOW ... today... I learn of some pretty big news that noone knows about ... and I can't tell. Oh, it's big. Not really to anyone but me and about... 8 or 9 other people, but still. harumph!

Side note (though it's really not on the side, is it?): great conversation I had today

small child: I want to be a teacher when i grow up
me: cool! me too! I want to be a teacher when I grow up!
sm: uh! You're alREADy a teacher
me: oh. What can I be when I grow up, then?
sm: uh! JessiCA! You are a grown up already.
me: oh. Well then, what can I do?
sm: you stay here. then you go home.

and there you have it: my life. i stay there. then i go home. and that's all there is to it.


Tuesday, May 08, 2007

what will this be about?

So... I've been meaning to blog about quite a few things lately. The problem is, I've been too lazy to actually type any of them out. So on my way home from work today I starting writing this blog (in my brain)... except I kept going off on all these tangents. So now that I've forced myself to sit down and type, we'll see which story actually comes out.
About a week or so ago something happened. It was not anything big, but it created big waves in myself. Vague enough? Suffice it to say that I starting thinking about some things and resolved to stop thinking and start doing. Now, let me just point out that I am on a journey of sorts. It's a journey to a better me. One thing I realized early on was that I could only focus on one or two things at a time because there are wayyyyyyyy too many things I want to "fix" about myself to try to do it all at once.
So, back to my butterfly effect. I have resolved to really focus on two very important things:

1. Shut my mouth. Now, I will only admit this here, but I tend to be a bit of a gossip. Hear me out. I'm not THAT person, and it has taken me a very long time to realize (and admit) that what I do is actually gossip. I like to talk, and sometimes the content of my conversations is people. Innocent enough, right? Well.... no. End of story. Jesus wouldn't be happy being a part of some of my conversations.

2. Open my eyes. Weird, huh? Partially, this is literal. I need to open my eyes sometimes becuase I'm a total klutz. Maybe if I was looking where I was going.... I digress. My goal is to stop being so critical... to open my eyes to see people the way that Jesus would see them. Not as my annoying neighbor, but as the daughter that is hurting and alone, who desperately needs someone to keep her company and perhaps be the vehicle in which God can reach her.

So those have been my goals. After a wonderful end to the weekend (which, I feel is the most important part of the weekend - I'll expand more on that in another blog), it was Monday morning and I was ready to get back to work and keep working on those (because, as it stands, work is where I need the most improvement in those 2 areas).
The day began wonderfully and continued well - the sun was shinning, the kids were great, we gardened and played and sang and just had a great time. And then it happened. I'm not going to go into detail... but I did feel much discontent towards a particular person. Jesus didn't like how I felt...but, I have to say that it didn't last long! I dealt with it and moved on rather quickly. Yay me! Perhaps there is hope yet.
But then... (yes, there's a "but then") Tuesday morning I got to work and a few of us began simply discussing the previous days events. Aw crap, I'm such a liar. We gossiped about it.
I'm sorry Coworkerwhowillremainnameless.
I'm sorry Jesus.
I'm sorry WonderfulJessicawhoishidingsomewhereinsidemetryingtogetout.
I will do better. I promise.
I will also screw up. Please bear with me.