Tuesday, May 22, 2007


So the news is out. Remember a few posts ago when I had news and I was trying so so so very hard not to gossip? Well, I am proud to say that the ONLY person who found out from me was my husband (it had less than nothing to do with him or anyone he even knows). I kept it in and now I don't have to keep anything in because the news is out. Phew!

Onto other news: oh yeah, I don't have any new news. I did have a bloggy thought this morning (and yep, that's the technical adjective for something you'd like to blog about). However, my lunch break is only another 7 minutes and I need to go potty and make a phone call. So later on (today, hopefully) I'll hop back on ye ol' internet and get all bloggy on your butt. For now...

You and I? We're done.


and big kudos to whoever recognizes that exchange.


tabitha jane said...

come back and tell us your bloggity thought!!

Katrina said...

I recognize it!!! And I totally thought Ryan and Kelli should have broken up LOOOOONG ago...lol!

(Plus I want to know what the secret was!)