Thursday, June 21, 2007

It Is Time

Happy Summer Solstice all!

That's all.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

No Human Being Is Illegal

That's what the protest signs say. Apparently there was a big bust in Portland and a bus-load of illegals were taken to Tacoma to wait for a decision about deportation .. or something. I don't really know the details, but I know that people are feeling very strongly about this topic. Now, in general I am a pretty compassionate person. I'm appropriately outraged when people are treated unfairly. I oppose slavery and racism and prejudice and all that. But if I decided I wanted to live in, say, Italy and so I flew over there and tried to live and work without the proper documentation, I would fully expect to be unceremoniously booted from the country. Yes, this is America, but dude, if you're not going to get what you need to get to be here legally, you need to get out! I don't see any grey (gray?) area here.
That's all.

I'm a big procrastinator. I'll tell you about that sometime.

I'm against picketing, but I don't know how to show it

Saturday, June 16, 2007

back it up

So I got on the computer almost an hour ago to try to do some catch-up blogging (as opposed to mustard blogging?) but have been so side-tracked by other blogs, myspace, etc. Sorry. Anyhow, I previously promised some blogging about the following:
only children
bar-be-ques/ cooking
hands and feet

Right now I shall attack just a couple of those.

1. geo-caching. On Memorial Day, our cool friends D and C invited us to go geo-caching with them. We had never gone, so we immediately shouted YES YES YES!!! So they came over with their handy dandy GPS and we were off! We found six caches - all VERY close to our house! It was so so so much fun. Afterwards, we all came back to our house and had a quasi-impromptu bbq (we had been planning on having them over the next night, so it wasn't THAT impromptu), and played Nertz and Super Scrabble (which i'm pretty sure Carrie won, as she wins pretty much every game we ever play!)
In conclusion, if you ever wanted to be really nice, you could get us a handheld GPS!!
hmmm I guess I just covered geo-caching, scrabble, and bbqs all in one. cool.

2. weekends. I've found that the END of the weekend sets the mood for my week. Sunday afternoon/evening/night is crucial! If my weekend ends well I go to bed happier, wake up happier, and when I walk into work and the first question invariably is "how was your weekend" I can reply "wonderful" and feel honest about it. And even just thinking about the happy "weekend" puts me in a better mood; thus making Monday more bearable and setting a happy attitude for the rest of the week.

Speaking (typing) of weekends, it's a weekend now. And guess what? Shaun and I are going out to lunch, running some errands on the west side.. then going to the DRIVE IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's right: Shrek the Third and Pirates the Third!

Thursday, June 14, 2007

love thy neighbor?

Yeah, so generally I'm all about that rule. I would love to just get along swimmingly (where did that term come from, anyway?!) with everyone in my neighborhood - I love neighborhoods like that. And generally I've been on pretty good terms with most of my neighbors. What a whopper we got this time, though. Without going into too much detail at the moment (due to time constraits only - not lack of detail, that's for sure), let me just tell you our neighbor is crazy. A lot of things have happened that I may or may not later recount to you via blog post (or in person if you'd like the full effect), but what I'd like to blog about now is what I was driven to do a couple of weeks ago.

After a particularly trying day at work, and and even more trying commute, I arrived home and as quickly as possible dashed from the car to the front door with my head down so as to avoid contact with anyone. I just wanted to get inside, pee, get a book and relax. No sooner had I kicked off my shoes and plopped down on the couch with said book when there is this pounding at the front door. Knowing full well who it was and deciding that I didn't have the capacity to be civil and kind and treat her in a way I would want to be treated, I ignored it. I quietly tiptoed into the bedroom, stretched out on the bed and opened my book again, preppared to emerse myself in the story when the pounding resumed, this time at the back door. Knowing she couldn't pound forever I began reading. Pretty soon the pounding stopped. Phew. But then... it was back. Not at the front door, not at the back door, but at my BEDROOM WINDOW!!!! Now, I was stretched out on my stomach facing away from the window... and I'm pretty sure she was able to see me through the crack in the blinds. Do I care? No. Surely if she sees me laying (lying?) in bed she will cease this overtly rude pounding. Right? WRONG. She moved on to the spare room window, the living room window, the front door and then the back door before finally huffing off. I have never felt so trapped in my own house before! By the time she came to the back door, I thought "ya know, this might be urget, maybe I should go see what she wants" But then she came to the bedroom window and all nice thoughts left.

Turns out Shaun had put some laundry in the dryer that morning and forgot to take them out before he left.

Maybe I was being too harsh?
But pounding on my windows?!?!

How do you deal with particularly difficult "neighbors?"

**every single time I typed the word "neighbor" or "neighborhood" (even those two times!) I put an extra "O" after the "b" (or before the "r"). Won't YOU be my neighboor?

Monday, June 11, 2007


okay so it's almost 11:30 in the pm. i haven't been up this late in a loooooong time. especially on a week night. i'm sick. it sucks. generally i don't mind being sick too much.... but i'm just pooped. please forgive the lower case mania. i can't sleep, i can't focus my eyes long enough to read. so i've resorted to listening to the telly. i just saw a circuit city commercial. i've seen this commercial before and.... does anyone else hear the farting noise in the song they play during their commercials? i can't be hallucinating ... can i?


eyes are blurring

need sleep

hate snot

throat ripping


Thursday, June 07, 2007


So my co-workers refer to me as "the genius." Well, not all of them - just the office staff. This is kind of my fault. You see, when I'm working on something and figure out something - anything, really... how to get the computer to do something I want, a creative way to fix something I thought was totalled, etc., the words "yesssss!! I'm a genius" often slip out of my mouth. It's my step-dad's fault really, but I guess there could be worse things. Anyhow, any time they need something done or have a task or a question or a problem with something, they call on their resident genius.
I'm here to renounce the title.
You see, yesterday when I got home there was a package in our mailbox. It was our computer charger!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hoooooray!
Well.... we plugged it in and then left for Life Group ( a great one, I might add - we talked about something I'll share with you later).... and then we came home and let our poor bunny out (she'd been in her cage since 9am!). Well.... not 15 minutes later we see that she had stealthily managed to completely sever the wall plug in from the charger adapter thingy-ma-jig.
But this morning Shaun did this cool snip clip zip thing and now the previously detatched charger is in tact and our battery is at 100%!
My husband is a genius!

Wednesday, June 06, 2007


Sometimes when I get up in the middle of the night to pee, I get this crazy strong urge to floss my teeth.

Just thought you'd like to know.

Also, there is a student in my class whose (is that the right context in which to use that spelling? whose knows?) end-of-the-year/good-bye gift to her teachers is shoes. No joke. Shoes. Rainbow Shoes or Butterfly shoes or Flower shoes. I thought she was joking. Then her mother asked me what size shoe I wore.
I can hardly wait for the end of the year. Only 7 more days!!!

PS our computer charger should be here in the next week or so ... so i'll be back more frequently at that time.

PSS I really really love that blogger automatically saves drafts!