Friday, April 27, 2007

a glimpse

I just thought I'd stick some pictures up - most are of my dear lovely Beesley bunny. There are two of a little girl... they're my favorite pictures. I wish I could pursue photography.

Eye'm watching ewe!

Day of the Dead

My cousin Derick was buried today. I'm not sure what to do with that. It's not the first time I've buried a family member. My general thought on death is that it is simply a part of life. I understand being sad and missing a loved one, but I am comfortable with death. I have been to 5 funerals in my life, the first one I remember being when I was only 5. I've even spoken at a funeral. I guess the point I'm trying to make is that death is not a foreign or removed concept. I have never been as rocked by a death than I was on Tuesday morning. Late Monday night, Derick Thomas died. While 4-wheeling, his vehicle got stuck and while trying to free it, Derick was crushed. He was 17. In the middle of restoring a 1970 mustang, a month away from graduation and planning to go to culinary school. Not anymore.
It still doesn't seem very real to me. I wasn't too terribly close to him... I just keep remembering him as a small child. Now that small child is dead. werid.
It really is the unexpected deaths that hurt the most.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

do i really have to title this?

Alright, so I am, admittedly overanalytical. That is who I am. I over think things ALL the time. I am also paranoid. For a few years now I have been trying out a new tacic - keeping my mouth shut. I find that when I don't share ALL of my thoughts, people like me better. Do with that what you will. Then blogging came along and I indulged. It is the perfect medium through which I can share all my thoughts. But I don't. Why? Well, partially out of laziness and partially because I don't want to be "that" blogger. Every once in a while I will put something out there and it will flop. It doesn't help that I have about 2 inconsistent readers. Maybe if I put some words in here that will lure people into my trap.. Hmmm what's big now?
President Bush?
Brittany Spears?
Border Control?
Virginia Tech Massacre?
The Wiggles?
Don't get me wrong, I do have something to say about each of those things... but I have gotten waaaaay off topic. I came here to talk about a trend I have noticed and can't help but wonder the ramifications.
So here it is: People have become incredibly private and very stingy with their company. Time has become a very precious commodity. I know many people who are trying to do right by their families. In order to form strong bonds between their children and themselves they cordon off their evenings and weekends for "family time." And I get it. When thinking about how I would manage my time when I have children, that is in fact one of the things I had thought about - using the evenings and weekends to spend time with each other. However, I can't help but wonder if that practice will prove detrimental to the next generation of society. We have seen a lot of the parents who do everything for their kids and give them whatever they want are rewarded by having full fleged adult children living with them for ever and ever.
My thought is that perhaps spending family time ONLY with family will not provide a model for social interaction. Sure there's school, but it's a whole different situation there. I am a home-body, but we spent a lot of time at other people's houses, and having other people to our house, so I know what to do. I remember learning at an early age what things were not appropriate when we had company or were out at a friend's house.
I have always felt like I had all these great ideas about how my family would be - and I still, do, but the more I really think about the long-term consequences, I have to really give kudos to the old school parents. There are a few things that still make me cringe a little, but I think they know a lot more than I've given them credit for.
Mom, Rick, if you've found your way over here, thanks! I really appreciate my upbringing. you done good.

thus endeth this web log entry

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Bunny breakfast, Honey pants and Cake cuts

Nothing too exciting to report - just a few "funny" things that happened today.

This morning I was sitting down to watcch the news and eat my cereal (a scrumptious mix of rice pocket, honey nut toasted o's, fresh banana and strawberries) when out of her crazy morning zooming comes Beesley Bunny - all two pounds of fluff and frenzy. She hops right up and.... directly INTO my bowl. Milk, generic cereal and fresh fruit commensed flying across my lap, the chair, the floor - and out of this mess emerges a milk-soaked bunny, happy as can be. As angry as I wanted to be, the sight of her, sopping wet, but oh so pleased as she ferociously began cleaning herself was just too cute.

Then today at school I picked out a couple of books to read to the kids when we had our gathering, and then set them on a table while I greeted the children. I then proceeded to put one book on my lap as I read the other. Well, apparently SOMEONE didn't clean the table after having their tea, leaving globs of honey all over the table, which then got on the book and subsequently on my pants. Ew. Sticky pants all. day. long.

The other day Shaun and I splurged (doesn't that sound like such a naughty word?) on some fresh strawberries (who can pass up $3 for 2 cartons?) and angel food cake. As I tried to open the blasted plastic container the cake came in, I gave myself a nasy plastic-slice ... right across my index finger and it stings worse than any paper cut I've ever had!

comercials are weird

Sunday, April 01, 2007

The Days Fly By

I can hardly believe it's been two weeks since I've blogged! And I thought I was doing so well at keeping up with this thing.
Oh well...
It's currently Sunday morning; there's freshly ground coffee brewing in the pot, a cute bunny zooming around my feet and a funny and wonderful husband by my side. What more could I possibly ask for? As much as I love going to church, it's just one of those days where I can sit here and feel God in my life....ahhh! (satisfied sigh, not a frustrated growl)

Last week was spring break; I only had to work a few hours in the morning all week, which was nice, since my sister-in-law was in town. She stayed with us for the week, which was different - not in a bad way at all... it's just that I'm not used to sharing all of everything, including my alone time, with anyone else. I never thought that being an only child affected (effected?) me much, or that I had (m)any only-child tendencies, but I'm finding more and more things about myself that probably stem from that experience. hmmm

I know there are a while bunch of things going on, but I'm going ot go soak up the lovin' here at home before we have to leave.

oh - go see Blades of Glory! It's pretty much mind-bottling!