Sunday, April 01, 2007

The Days Fly By

I can hardly believe it's been two weeks since I've blogged! And I thought I was doing so well at keeping up with this thing.
Oh well...
It's currently Sunday morning; there's freshly ground coffee brewing in the pot, a cute bunny zooming around my feet and a funny and wonderful husband by my side. What more could I possibly ask for? As much as I love going to church, it's just one of those days where I can sit here and feel God in my life....ahhh! (satisfied sigh, not a frustrated growl)

Last week was spring break; I only had to work a few hours in the morning all week, which was nice, since my sister-in-law was in town. She stayed with us for the week, which was different - not in a bad way at all... it's just that I'm not used to sharing all of everything, including my alone time, with anyone else. I never thought that being an only child affected (effected?) me much, or that I had (m)any only-child tendencies, but I'm finding more and more things about myself that probably stem from that experience. hmmm

I know there are a while bunch of things going on, but I'm going ot go soak up the lovin' here at home before we have to leave.

oh - go see Blades of Glory! It's pretty much mind-bottling!

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