Thursday, June 07, 2007


So my co-workers refer to me as "the genius." Well, not all of them - just the office staff. This is kind of my fault. You see, when I'm working on something and figure out something - anything, really... how to get the computer to do something I want, a creative way to fix something I thought was totalled, etc., the words "yesssss!! I'm a genius" often slip out of my mouth. It's my step-dad's fault really, but I guess there could be worse things. Anyhow, any time they need something done or have a task or a question or a problem with something, they call on their resident genius.
I'm here to renounce the title.
You see, yesterday when I got home there was a package in our mailbox. It was our computer charger!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hoooooray!
Well.... we plugged it in and then left for Life Group ( a great one, I might add - we talked about something I'll share with you later).... and then we came home and let our poor bunny out (she'd been in her cage since 9am!). Well.... not 15 minutes later we see that she had stealthily managed to completely sever the wall plug in from the charger adapter thingy-ma-jig.
But this morning Shaun did this cool snip clip zip thing and now the previously detatched charger is in tact and our battery is at 100%!
My husband is a genius!

1 comment:

Katrina said...

Wow, he IS a genius! I would totally have thrown it away (and had a serious talk with the bunny, too!)