Wednesday, May 09, 2007

It's My Life

No more gossip, right? Why is it that NOW ... today... I learn of some pretty big news that noone knows about ... and I can't tell. Oh, it's big. Not really to anyone but me and about... 8 or 9 other people, but still. harumph!

Side note (though it's really not on the side, is it?): great conversation I had today

small child: I want to be a teacher when i grow up
me: cool! me too! I want to be a teacher when I grow up!
sm: uh! You're alREADy a teacher
me: oh. What can I be when I grow up, then?
sm: uh! JessiCA! You are a grown up already.
me: oh. Well then, what can I do?
sm: you stay here. then you go home.

and there you have it: my life. i stay there. then i go home. and that's all there is to it.


1 comment:

sarah said...

at least she doesn't think you live at the school.