Wednesday, May 31, 2006

luv ya

So this is going to be out of order - I blogged a bit this weekend from my house, where I don't have internet, so it's still in Word... I'll get it to you later, but I just have to ask... is there REALLY a difference between love and luv? Seriously! It's pretty ridiculous, and I hate these kinds of abbreviations (how I feel about text and instant messaging deserves its very own blog)..... but I know that I wouldn't take an "i luv u" as seriously as an "I love you." Then add in "ya" - how serious is a relationship when the most you say to each other us 'luv ya." Not that saying "luv ya" is such a bad thing.... I'm sure I use that when I talk to my husband on the phone, or as I'm leaving sometimes (especially if someone else is around - but again, my PDA issues are for another blog)... but... I don't know. I guess this blog really isn't going anywhere. Luv ya.... I love you. I think both are over(and inappropriately)-used, but which would YOU like to hear? And is there really a difference? I don't know. Do you?

Thursday, May 04, 2006

observate these boogers, DINKS!

Kids are funny. I love them. I have chosen to make them the center of my career. Or rather, God has directed me there (I have not been happy doing anything else).
However, I am still WAY too selfish to have my own. I like my time at home. I like spending the evenings with my husband, a good book, some nice music perhaps... maybe playing games with friends. I do not want the responsibility that is kids. And I enjoy that my family is what my dear friend Shauna calls a DINK (double income no kids). But i think technically we're TINKS since I have two jobs. And kids would seriously cramp THAT style.
But they sure are funny! I have two funny examples....
#1. Child is 8 years old and crazy curious. She loves science, which is totally rad. So she's been doing these little experiments and she was just telling me all about the "monocules" that caused the oil to separate... then she said she wanted to put salt in the mixture and "observate it".
#2. Child is 3 years old. I'm trying to get her to go to sleep (it's nap time). Instead of sleeping, she's picking her nose. Then she goes for the mouth. I catch her hand and ask her to use a tissue. She the proceeds to say: "they're my boogers in my nose and my germs. i has to put dem in my mouse (mouth) so noone else can get them! My mom and dad told me not to share my germs with anyone!!! so i has to eat dem!"
How do you argue with that?!

Tuesday, May 02, 2006


I've decided that Tuesdays have really gotten the shaft. Sundays are "holy," Mondays are... well, Mondays. By Wednesday we've made it to the "hump" and Thursday is SO close to Friday. Friday is a day full of looking forward to the end and Saturday is fun day. Tuesdays suck. I mean, that's not totally true - Tuesdays have American Idol and House. But as far as the "attitude" of Tuesdays... there really is none. Perhaps I'll invent a Tuesday mood. What do you think?