Friday, October 21, 2005

Here goes nothing

Basically my goal here is to have a place to vent all of my psycho babble. So, if you're into that kinda thing, come on back every now and again. If not, well, better luck next time (just playin)!
Anyway, my current state of mind is one of shock. I really am getting older. And so are all my friends. It's just so strange to see the people I always saw as little sister/brothers going to college, getting married, and completely maturing (even a few I had once thought were hopeless!) It's not really that big of a deal - it's just shocking to me... almost like waking up one day to find that I've been asleep for 15 years and suddenly nothing is the same anymore.
Part of life, I suppose. I just wasn't ready for it.


tabitha jane said...

psst, over here: you're married.

how old does that make you feel?!

Jessica said...

Yeah, I know... but it's one of those things that when it's happening right in front of you, it's not as noticible as it is in those that you see only occasionally.

i am old.
good thing i'll never grow up! ;o)