Sunday, July 29, 2007

Royal Butt-Kickings

God's really good at kicking my butt. He is! He tends to be pretty gentle about it mostly, but there is no mistaking the intent behind the swift kick in the behind! This has happened many times in my life, and it happened again this weekend. A few times, actuallly, but there is one in particular that I would like to share with you. Remember my neighbor? Well, not much has really changed lately. If anything, we (Shaun and I) have just gotten more and more exasperated. This afternoon I had a plan. I had my afternoon and evening scheduled out until I needed to be at the airport to pick up Shaun. Part of that plan included a few minutes to go water my garden. While out there I ran into (not literally) her. We chit-chatted for a few minutes and I was talking about some of our plan/obligations and such ... or something like that. Anyhow, I said something about church. Immediately she perked up and said "you go to church? where?" I told her and she asked if we taught the Bible and if we went every Sunday and then came home afterward. When I told her that we pretty much did just that, she asked if maybe we would be interested in bringing her with us. She went on to talk about a TV program she enjoyed watching where someone just read passages of scripture and answering mail from viewers who had questions about particular passages. But they took it off the air and since then she's been thinking about going to church, but for some reason she can't sit for church AND then manage to drive home.


All this time I prayed and kept trying to be patient and be a good example to her, to keep evil thoughts from my mind. Isn't that what we should be doing? Yet I never opened my mouth to her about my faith. Not once. And all this time, finding a church has been on her heart. One silly little word said in passing was all it took. She has been seeking, and I have been shirking. Jesus, you are amazing, and I am sorry. You provide. Please help me to reach out to others in your name. Help me to be your hands reaching out to those in need, even if they are annoying and regardless of how they recieve the message.
I don't know what will come of this visit to our church, but I pray that You will work in her life and that you will continue to put me in the middle of challenges like this one. Help me to close my pride and open my mouth.

Use me, Jesus. And keep kicking my butt when I'm being lazy and selfish.

1 comment:

Niki said...

The other day Eric and I were moving some stuff and the last thing we had was our couch, which was in the back of our truck. This guy drove by and stopped and asked if he could help, so he and Eric carried it up the stairs to our new home. On the way out he handed Eric a card, which we thought might be from some moving company, but then he said that he was a Christian, and that we should come check out his church. It made me feel glad because we are looking for a church, but on the other hand it made me feel lousy because I don't use the things that I should in life (like helping a neighbor) to spread the word of God. I liked your story... I hope your neighbor has a good experience at your church!