Wednesday, July 02, 2008


Seems that most people tend to hate them. I only half hate them. I hate being forced out of my bed. I hate feeling rushed. I hate feeling tired. I hate driving 40 minutes to work. That said, reaaaally early morning is my favorite time of day. Bum deal is - I rarely get the chance to ENJOY the morning... there are times I try, but the choice to get up early enough to "enjoy" the morning comes at the sacrifice of much needed sleep. Those 45 or 60 minutes of early morning bliss are not nearly worth the 9-10 hours spent tired and grouchy at work.

My usual morning routine:
5:30am - alarm sounds, I groan and begin trying to stumble to the other side of the room to turn it off - or turn it to the radio. Sometimes I don't have that much energy and just fumble for things to throw at said alarm clock.

5:45am - pester husband about getting up in order to keep myself from falling back asleep myself because I'm still in bed (not such a good choice, eh?)

6am - finally mangaged to drag myself out of bed around the same time Goose manages to drag Shaun out of bed.

6:05am still stumbling around trying to figure out what I'm going to wear - and by the way, where the heck did all my clothes go? Hey I should check out the weather forecast on Fox 12 Oregon. What else is going on in the world of news?...

6:15 - abort clothes finding mission, drag self away from gruesome - or goofy - news story and toss my yawning tookus in the shower

6:30 am - drat. forgot to get a towel. "SHAUNNNNNNNNNNNN please bring me a towel!"

6:35am - still no more awake, but must snap out of warm shower reverie to actually find some decent work clothes.

6:55am - okay, found some clothes. make-up? Nah... not necessary... I'll put some on if I have time in the car. Hey what's on the news now?

7:12am - yikes, it's already past 7?! I need breakfast. What about lunch? Oh man, there's nothing quick and easy! Shaun, what are you taking? You can have last night's leftovers. Hey, what should I take out for dinner tonight? Chicken? No, just had chicken. OOh I could take out the carne asada and we can have fajitas for dinner! Do we have all the fixings? I guess I could pick up a bell pepper or two on my way home from work. Oh, did you pick up the hay for Beesley? And deposit your check? And we need some more milk, too, huh?

7:28 am - GOOD GRAVY! It's almost 7:30!!! I haven't had breakfast. I don't have lunch. Need shoes. Where's my phone? Okay, I'm outta here.

7:29am - SHAUNNNNN where did you put my car keys?!?!?!

7:32am - zooming out of the driveway, berating myself for not getting more done this morning.

This morning it went something like this:
6am: subtle sounds from outside waking me up... it's birds! and squirrels... and sunlight!
6:15am: finally get up, grab some cheerios (actually i think these're called Scooters) and watch the news
6:30am - wander around house trying to figure out what to do with all my free time! Pack a lunch, sit out on the deck and pray and "be"
7am - hop in the shower
7:30 - again left with the dilemma of what to do with all this time! Curl up on the couch with a good book
7:50 - well, I guess I could start heading to work now... I DO start at 8.
7:53 am - Okay, I'm at work. No kids yet... spend some time reorganizing my shelves and planning our writing activities for the day.

And wouldn't you know that my day was SOOOO much easier, mentally and emotionally! Man I need to find a job closer to my house!

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