Monday, January 22, 2007

I'm back

Alright, so here I am! I'm all hooked up to the internet, sittin in our not-so-fancy but oh-so-comfy new chair... yes, life is good here.
Okay, so my last update post was in August, so here's a recap of the past few months.

September: I officially began my new position at work and I officially hated my job.

October: Well, honestly, I have a sneaking suspicion that most of October didn't actually happen. One day it was October 5th, and then it was Halloween.... weird.

November: We were REALLY busy at work - the kids were preparing for their Thanksgiving Feast (they cooked/prepared the entire meal - it was pretty awesome). For Thanksgiving we (Shaun and I) were invited to spend the weekend with some in-laws. About a week before we were to leave we found out that our Thanksgiving dinner would be eaten at Sizzler. Yes, Sizzler.
So... we head out Thursday morning so we can make sure to be at said in-laws house by the prearranged meeting time of 12:00 noon. We arrived in town at about 11:30am. Shaun was delivering some wood and had planned to meet his customer at a Safeway parking lot at 11:45. Since we were early, we stopped at in-law's house to say hi and all that..... except noone was home. So we went and sold the wood and then went back to in-law's house at 12:00. Still, noone home. And noone was answering their cell phones.... A little worried, and a little put off, we went to another in-law's house and kinda crashed their Thanksgiving... they were more than generous, even though we ended up not eating until 7pm. We finally got ahold of the people with whom we were supposed to have met at noon, and they told us that they had wanted to "beat the rush" and so went out without us.

December: What a fantastic month this is! Fun work Christmas parties, deliciously cool weather, making homemade hot chocolate mix, making decorations for our christmas tree, and getting ALL of our christmas shopping done in one afternoon! In the interest of keeping this post not super long, I'll tell you about christmas later. It was great

And now here we are in January. I went back to work (which I discovered I no longer hate...I'm not sure when that happened, though) on Jan 2nd... then had Jan 8 off for my birthday... then it snowed that week! It was so beautiful and wonderful. Then it went away.... and then it snowed again!!!!!! and a LOT! Because Monday was MLKJ day, we ended up having Mon, Tue, Wed & Half of Thursday off, which was fantastic. Except when I got to work on Thursday.
I walked into our classroom and felt that something was different, but dismissed it as just not having been there for almost a week.
Well... I wasn't the only one who hadn't been there for that long - the lead teacher had forgotten all about the class birds. That's right - 2 dead birdies.
The kids were great... they buried the birdies and had a nice little funeral.

Well, now that I have internet at home I should be updating this more often so I'm just going to leave off here.
I hope that everyone has had a wonderful year thus far and I'll be seein' ya!

1 comment:

Niki said...

I'm really sad to hear about the birds... weren't they named McPhee and Bella? I had to burry the CV hamster last summer. I'm glad you guys have the internet now.. and I like your new chair :)