Saturday, March 17, 2007

Potty Mouth

So I've been meaning to blog about this for a while... I recently (actually it's been a while, now) read somewhere - though I can't for the life of me remember where - that the majority of people in the US are scrunchers. That is, when preparing to wipe urine and/or fecal matter from their hoo-has and bum-bums they take a length of TP and scrunch it up into a ball. Now, can that really be true? Don't get me wrong, I've never been one to underestimate the stupidity of people, but come on?! It's not rocket science. Scrunched up toilet paper is directly correlated with feces-covered fingers. All those holes and such... Personally, I'm a folder. It's just superior for my anterior.

Anyhow... since we're on the subject, I've been slightly obsessed with poop lately. Mostly because my sweet bunny is afflicted with intestinal issues that require close attention to her stool (not to mention the incredible amount of it she creates!). That is to say, I have become somewhat of a fecal analyst. I should have business cards made. But I digress. In my endless google quest for information and insight into my new aquired pet's droppings, I came across this website: Priceless.

I feel as though I've left something out.... Oh well.
Enjoy my "happy blog"

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