Friday, April 04, 2008

All My Life...

Music is POWERFUL! Okay, so that's pretty much a given, but WOW! I am currently slaving away at work - it's 4:20 (yeah, yeah, I know), I've been here since 7am and I'll be here for hours to come. This has been the norm for the past few days, and is especially difficult after a nearly sleepless night. Everyone else has gone home for the weekend, so my exhaustion is only magnified by the lonely silence. In an attempt to remedy this, I go in search of that old internet radio that got me through numerous term papers in college (launchcast). Things are a little different, but my own personalized station is still there! Cool. It's been interesting to see what my favorite music was at the time, as well as Launchcast's recommendations based on what I told them I liked. I was a weird kid. Still am, I suppose, but I digress.
All of a sudden I'm feeling incredibly nostalgic, visiting memories of days long ago, filled with a pleasant mix of emotions - contentment and exicement, joy and anxiety, anticipation and comfort. Ah, young love.
But wait. Why am I thinking about this now?
It took me a while to realize that it was KC & JoJo serenading me with a song that was once on the "repeat 1" mode of my boom box for days, maybe even weeks at a time. A song I'd fall asleep listening to; the song I just knew was written for "us." All of those emotions rushing over me just because of that song? Amazing. Even more amazing is that now, with the song long over, the butterflies in my stomach are still very much a-fluttering.
Don't misunderstand - this is no long lost lover I desperately want back. The "romance" fizzled quickly. Well, I guess it never really existed in the first place. We were friends before and great friends afterwards, but the experience itself was a nice one. I suppose that's why this particular song was always so powerful; it fit our relationship before, during and after the whole "dating" fiasco.
hmmm... this is leading me down a path full of romantic musical memories, pleasant and otherwise, and again leading me to say - music is POWERFUL!!!

In light of that, I think I'll leave my cheery Christmas music up on here just a little bit longer!

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