Saturday, September 22, 2007


We have a bunny. She's adorable... but that's not what I'm here to talk about. She chews. She's a rabbit - that's what she does. Well, she seems to have an affinity for rubber, and in the last 7 months has managed to chew every single button off our remote control. The remote is still usable, but sometimes trying to use the correct button reminds me of that game, Memory, that I used to play as a kid. It's also a bit difficult to get your finger to press the teeny tiny button all the way down.
Today, my husband came home with this:

Well, I suppose we'll never loose the remote again.


Leah said...

That's awesome!!

Happy Clicking!!

Kristi said...

That is so cool! Seriously, I have lost years of my life looking for lost remotes.